More about Squeakie Stone...

Squeakie paints constantly, producing a huge collection over the years. His subject matter includes naive paintings of barns, log cabins, farm buildings and houses; animals and birds; cotton pickers, tobacco croppers, flower pickers, sweetgrass cutters, cooks in the kitchen, ladies hanging out the week's washing. He paints seascapes and boats, children and moms. Often, while sitting in the sweltering South Carolina heat, he will paint his usual buildings covered with snow in a perfect winter scene; he has never seen deep snow except in pictures.
Squeakie works in acrylics on canvas, tin, wood (sometimes painting a picture on both sides), and he likes big pictures - average size is over 24".
If you happen to drive down Squeakie's way, on the way to Myrtle Beach, you could catch him sitting in his front yard, painting pictures. It's what he likes to do the most. He hates it when it rains.
A lot of the paintings here have been sold, but that doesn't mean you can't have your favorite one. Squeakie is always happy to paint the same subject (although, it will never be identical to the one you like here, because each is one-of-a-kind) perhaps in colors you choose. He's always happy to take commissions, even for a subject he hasn't approached yet. Just email him, or phone him during business hours, and tell him what you'd like. He's a very approachable and friendly man. You can tell that by his paintings.